10th Cracow Conference
on Graph Theory
This is a subsequent meeting in the series of former Cracow Conferences on Graph Theory held in Niedzica (1990), Zgorzelisko (1994), Kazimierz Dolny (1997), Czorsztyn (2002), Ustroń (2006), Zgorzelisko (2010) and Rytro (2014, 2018, 2022).
The conference will take place in the Pieniny Mountains on 21-26.09.2025.
Keynote speakers (confirmed so far):
Noga Alon (Princeton University)
Zdeněk Dvořák (Charles University)
Bojan Mohar (Simon Fraser University)
Xuding Zhu (Zhejiang Normal University)
Thematic sessions:
Algebraic Graph Theory – Robert Jajcay
Algorithmic Graph Theory – Paweł Rzążewski
Design Theory – TBA
Domination Graph Theory – Michael Henning
Extremal Graph Theory – Andrzej Grzesik
Graphs Colouring – Jarosław Grytczuk
Graph Product – Iztok Peterin
Labelings of Graphs – Rinovia Simanjuntak
Probabilistic Methods and Random Graphs – Paweł Prałat
General – TBA
During the conference we will celebrate 70th birthday of Rafał Kalinowski.
More details will be available soon.